


The APWU will always strive to bring good wages, benefits, and job security to our members. The benefits we enjoy are not given to us voluntarily by the Postal Service – every benefit is fiercely negotiated. The benefits career employees enjoy because of the hard work of APWU sisters and brothers include: Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA), health care and retirement benefits, annual leave, sick leave, holidays, protection against layoffs and dignity in the workplace. 

Membership in the APWU shows a commitment to working together for better pay and benefits, as well as for dignity and respect on the job. It represents our understanding of the principle of strength through unity, both in demanding our rights on the job and in speaking to our nation’s leaders about issues that are important to working Americans.

The organization is part of the Labor Movement and is at the forefront of social issues today. Joining the Local as a dues-paying member helps fund the union for materials, training, workspace and labor. Attending monthly meetings allows members to not only see their local officers at work but also allows for member input and participation through parliamentary procedure. The Local also holds member events like cookouts, parties and picnics.

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