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Media & Communications


Media & Communications

Director of Media & Communications, This Office is Currently Vacant

For more information, call the Union Hall 619-283-5600

Communications between the leadership and the membership is a key component of staying educated and vigilant. The San Diego Area Local has dedicated itself to keep our members across the district, informed through many channels of communication.

Union Hall

The Union Hall is currently open Monday through Saturday. If you wish to visit the office, call ahead to make sure the appropriate officer will be available for you during the hours you are able to visit. To make an appointment, contact President Cooper or Vice President Waterhouse. The main line to the Union Hall is 619-283-5600. Our headquarters is located at 3737 Camino Del Rio S. #200 San Diego, CA 92108.


The San Diego Area Local has many types of meetings each month where business is conducted.

Membership Meetings – This congregation is where members can come to hear reports from their elected officers and bring up and vote on important issues that pertain to working conditions or internal union services. This is the official forum where the local gets its business taken care. Specific actions and spending are authorized by member votes during these meetings which are all recorded and archived. We have recently purchased hardware to offer the option of attending membership meetings through the Zoom program so more members can attend virtually instead of driving long distances or to accommodate their schedules.

Executive Board Meetings – These meetings are for the elected officers to attend. These are closed meetings unless there is a specific invitation. The local officers discuss current events and projects to problem solve the many issues that arrive that our officers are responsible for.

Steward Meetings – These meetings are restricted to shop stewards within our local. Our local wants our stewards to be kept up-to-date on our priorities and educated on how to enforce the contract.

Division Meetings – Directors of our Motor Vehicle, Maintenance and Clerk divisions may schedule a craft steward or member meeting when deemed necessary to discuss craft-specific issues.

Committee Meetings – Committees are not rigidly scheduled. They convene when it is determined necessary by the committee and discuss and act on the mission they have been assigned. For instance, the Constitution Committee discusses Constitutional changes and maintenance and may recommend proposals to amend language.

Bulletin Boards

Every Postal facility that houses one or more APWU-represented employees should have a bulletin board where space permits per Article 22 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The local will mail out bulletins when necessary to post important information of upcoming events or recent developments that the members should be made aware of.


This newly renovated website has pages for all types of departments within the local as well as stewards, forms and current news and events. You may download an OWCP form, read the latest newsletter, sign up a non-member, check meeting schedules, find a steward or just browse around to learn about what the San Diego Area Local does.

Social Media

Our Local has a Facebook page that can work as an electronic bulletin board with immediate access to our members’ phones with alerts and up-to-date posts. SanDiegoAreaLocal197 is the Facebook page.